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{{ SearchStatus }} {{ Results.length }} {{ Results.length === 1 ? "result" : "results " }}

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Older Children: Peace Massage Story

Feel free to follow along and share this Story Massage for Older Children and Adults, demonstrated in English by Una Curran. The accompanying documents are all available free of charge in the Childrens Resources Library back on the Home Page.

Younger Children: Peace - What Would Lizzie Do?

Feel free to follow along and share this beautiful Story Massage for Younger Children, demonstrated in English by Mary Atkinson. The accompanying documents are all available free of charge in the Childrens Resources Library back on the Home Page. Let's spread peace and love around the world with Lizzie Ladybird...

Arabic: Peace - What Would Lizzie Do?

Feel free to follow along and share this beautiful Story Massage for Younger Children, demonstrated in Arabic by Kefaya Almubarak. The accompanying documents are all available free of charge in the Childrens Resources Library back on the Home Page. Let's spread peace and love around the world with Lizzie Ladybird...

Japanese: Peace - What Would Lizzie Do?

Feel free to follow along and share this beautiful Story Massage for Younger Children, demonstrated in Japanese by Tomoyo Nozaki. The accompanying documents are all available free of charge in the Childrens Resources Library back on the Home Page. Let's spread peace and love around the world with Lizzie Ladybird...

Turkish: Peace - What Would Lizzie Do?

Feel free to follow along and share this beautiful Story Massage for Younger Children, demonstrated in Turkish by Amura-An Ayrik. The accompanying documents are all available free of charge in the Childrens Resources Library back on the Home Page. Let's spread peace and love around the world with Lizzie Ladybird...

Hungarian: Peace - What Would Lizzie Do?

Feel free to follow along and share this beautiful Story Massage for Younger Children, demonstrated in Hungarian by Boglárka Tóth-Bagosi. The accompanying documents are all available free of charge in the Childrens Resources Library back on the Home Page. Let's spread peace and love around the world with Lizzie Ladybird...

Makaton: Peace - What Would Lizzie Do?

Feel free to follow along and share this beautiful Story Massage for Younger Children, demonstrated in Makaton by Jen Helmbolt and Mary Atkinson. The accompanying documents are all available free of charge in the Childrens Resources Library back on the Home Page. Let's spread peace and love around the world with Lizzie Ladybird...

Slovene: Peace - What Would Lizzie Do?

Feel free to follow along and share this beautiful Story Massage for Younger Children, demonstrated in Slovene by Katja Rinc. The accompanying documents are all available free of charge in the Childrens Resources Library back on the Home Page. Let's spread peace and love around the world with Lizzie Ladybird...

Greek: Peace - What Would Lizzie Do?

Feel free to follow along and share this beautiful Story Massage for Younger Children, demonstrated in Greek by Naya Alexiou. The accompanying documents are all available free of charge in the Childrens Resources Library back on the Home Page. Let's spread peace and love around the world with Lizzie Ladybird...

German: Peace - What Would Lizzie Do?

Feel free to follow along and share this beautiful Story Massage for Younger Children, demonstrated in German by Rena Kato. The accompanying documents are all available free of charge in the Childrens Resources Library back on the Home Page. Let's spread peace and love around the world with Lizzie Ladybird...

Irish: Peace - What Would Lizzie Do?

Feel free to follow along and share this beautiful Story Massage for Younger Children, demonstrated in Irish by Aengus O'Curraidhin. The accompanying documents are all available free of charge in the Childrens Resources Library back on the Home Page. Let's spread peace and love around the world with Lizzie Ladybird...

Danish: Peace - What Would Lizzie Do?

Feel free to follow along and share this beautiful Story Massage for Younger Children, demonstrated in Danish by Vibeke Kloth. The accompanying documents are all available free of charge in the Childrens Resources Library back on the Home Page. Let's spread peace and love around the world with Lizzie Ladybird...

Loneliness and Touch – part 1

I’m Claire Mendelsohn, the founder of Cuddle Professionals International, and I’m thrilled to be collaborating with Liz and her team for the Pro-Touch Movement. I’d like to talk about a subject close to my heart, that of the loneliness epidemic and how consensual, platonic touch can help to alleviate it. Here is the first of three Blogs on the topic.

Loneliness and Touch – part 2

I’m Claire Mendelsohn, the founder of Cuddle Professionals International, and I’m thrilled to be collaborating with Liz and her team for the Pro-Touch Movement. I’d like to talk about a subject close to my heart, that of the loneliness epidemic and how consensual, platonic touch can help to alleviate it. Here is the second of three Blogs on the topic.

Loneliness and Touch – part 3

I’m Claire Mendelsohn, the founder of Cuddle Professionals International, and I’m thrilled to be collaborating with Liz and her team for the Pro-Touch Movement. I’d like to talk about a subject close to my heart, that of the loneliness epidemic and how consensual, platonic touch can help to alleviate it. Here is the last of three Blogs on the topic.

The Ethics of Touch

Guest feature by Claire Mendelsohn - owner of award winning business Cuddle Professionals International.

Therapies for Cancer – my personal journey

Karin Douglas, Energise Therapies and Training Back in 2004, my Mum had a nagging shoulder pain that just wasn’t responding to treatment. An X-ray “to rule out anything more sinister” sadly didn’t, and her diagnosis and prognosis were not good - cancer in the lung and chest wall. Chemo did not go well for her and was discontinued after one session.

Touch Deprivation - Did you know?

Because human beings are wired to touch and be touched, the absence of touch causes disturbances in both mind and body. Touch helps create psychological and physical wellness, and touch deprivation contributes to illness at many levels.

Gaining Consent to Touch

Seeking consent to touch is an integral part of the Story Massage Programme.