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{{ Checkout.Stage > 1 ? 'Checkout' : 'Basket' }}

{{ item.Name }}
{{ item.Size !== null ? "(" + item.Size + ") " : "" }} {{ item.Price | currency:"£" }} {{ item.IncVAT ? 'inc. VAT' : 'plus VAT' }}
{{ item.Quantity }}
{{ (item.Price * item.Quantity) | currency: "£" }}
Sub total
{{ fnGetBasketSubTotal() | currency: "£" }}
{{fnGetBasketVAT() | currency: "£" }}
{{ fnGetBasketTotal() | currency: "£" }}
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{{ item.Name }}{{ item.Size !== null ? " (" + item.Size + ") " : "" }}

{{ item.Price | currency: "£" }}

{{ item.Quantity }}

{{ (item.Price * item.Quantity) | currency: "£" }}

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{{ delivery.Cost | currency:"£" }} ({{ delivery.Courier.Name }})
{{fnGetBasketVAT() | currency: "£" }}
Delivery (change)
{{ Checkout.Delivery.Cost | currency: "£" }}
{{ fnGetBasketTotal() | currency: "£" }}
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{{ CheckoutVm }}
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{{ $root.User.FirstName }} {{ $root.User.LastName }}

{{ $root.User.Username }}

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{{ SearchStatus }} {{ Results.length }} {{ Results.length === 1 ? "result" : "results " }}

{{ result.Url }}
{{ result.Title }}

{{ result.Description | limitTo: 40 }}

Take a Pledge – become a Pro-Touch Ambassador!


Re-introducing touch and human connection has never been so important in our chronically touch-starved and mistrustful world. These were already major issues prior to CoVid - and topics close to our hearts when we launched to our hands-on therapist audience in 2018. Celebrating everything about touch therapies by “paying it forward”, the campaign has become open to everyone who’s passionate about touch, connection and kindness!

Can you help us to spread the word and make a difference? Simply take one, two or all three pledges and be given a choice of professional logos, social media banners, sponsor form, poster, 31 social media memes, press release template and marketing/promotional ideas e-book – all completely FREE.

Pledge 1. EDUCATION:

Spread the word about the incredible benefits of hands-on therapies, touch and human connection – and share this campaign in your circles. See more ideas and full details below.


Raise money for a local or National good cause of your choice and create PR for both them and you/your business/school/social group. See our promotional ideas e-book and below for more details and ideas.


Offer your therapy, touch or connection treatments to those in your society who are in need and would benefit the most. Teachers and parents can demonstrate our Lizzie Ladybird Story Massage in schools, children’s groups or in your own home. See more ideas and full details below.

T&C for usage: Our logos and branding are our copyright and only for use with the above heart-led campaign activities. Please do not alter the logos, banners or Lizzie Ladybird story in any way or use them for your own commercial offerings.

#positivetouch #businesskindness

Remember – National Massage Day is the 1st of October, Pro-Touch Awareness Month runs for all of October and the Pro-Touch Movement can happen any time of year to suit your and your audience(s)!

Take a pledge

Thank you for your support. Please confirm your choices and add your email address so we can send you your FREE resources.


Thank you!

Thank you for your support an email has been sent with a link to your FREE resources.