Your basket is currently empty.

{{ Checkout.Stage > 1 ? 'Checkout' : 'Basket' }}

{{ item.Size !== null ? "(" + item.Size + ") " : "" }} {{ item.Price | currency:"£" }} {{ item.IncVAT ? 'inc. VAT' : 'plus VAT' }}
{{ item.Quantity }}
{{ (item.Price * item.Quantity) | currency: "£" }}
Sub total
{{ fnGetBasketSubTotal() | currency: "£" }}
{{ fnGetBasketVAT() | currency: "£" }}
{{ fnGetBasketTotal() | currency: "£" }}
Thank you so much for supporting us!

We are donating {{ CharitableDonation | currency:"£" }} from your order to our good causes.

{{ CheckoutVm | json }}
Registered user?
Don't have an account?
{{ Checkout | json }}

{{ item.Price | currency: "£" }}

{{ item.Quantity }}

{{ (item.Price * item.Quantity) | currency: "£" }}

Please choose a delivery option.

{{ delivery.Cost | currency:"£" }} ({{ delivery.Courier.Name }})
{{fnGetBasketVAT() | currency: "£" }}
Delivery (change)
{{ Checkout.Delivery.Cost | currency: "£" }}
{{ StoreCredit.Message }}
Enter amount
{{ Checkout.FinalTotal | currency: "£" }}
Thank you

A summary of your order has been sent via email.

We will let you know as soon as your order has been despatched.

{{ CheckoutVm }}
Buy now with PayPal

{{ $root.User.FirstName }} {{ $root.User.LastName }} ({{ $root.User.Role.Name }})

{{ $root.User.Username }}

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Or Register

You'll need an account before you can access some of our services. Click Register and we will redirect you to our new account page. Once your request has been submitted an account manager will review your request and reply accordingly.


Type of account

person Congratulations! Your account has been created.

Before you continue with your purchase please tell us how you intend to use your account.

This will help us provide you with a better user experience.

heart_plus Affiliate account

For those that want to buy our products and take our courses.

shopping_bag Retail account

For those that just want to buy our products.

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Enter your email address below, and if an account exists, we’ll send you a link to reset your password.

Reset password link sent.

Please check your email for a link to reset your password


{{ SearchStatus }} {{ Results.length }} {{ Results.length === 1 ? "result" : "results " }}

{{ result.Url }}
{{ result.Title }}

{{ result.Description | limitTo: 40 }}

Take a Pledge – become a Pro-Touch Ambassador!

Can you help us to spread the word and make a difference? Simply take one, two or all three pledges and be given a choice of professional logos, social media banners, sponsor form, poster, 31 social media memes, press release template and marketing/promotional ideas e-book – all completely FREE.


This is at the very heart of the Pro-Touch campaign – via both celebrating and raising awareness of the importance of touch and connection by paying it forward. It gets you in front of your local community, customers, family and friends as well as making the world a better place, It’s a win:win!

  • In your free digital pack, there is a pdf booklet to view or print off with 38 different ideas from previous years. Everything from raffles, open days, % donation from specific treatments and/or product sales, stalls at a local event… it’s totally up to you.
  • We also have a 15 Heart-led Marketing Strategies To Help Change The World free ebook in the Pro-Touch store. This was written in 2020 by Lizzie Badger in response to the lockdown we found ourselves suddenly in. It was intended to help the therapy sector bounce back – but many of the ideas are transferable to any business or general fundraising.
  • There is a 10% donation to our charity, Compton Care (Hospice) in Wolverhampton from all of our Pro-Touch merchandise. Please support the campaign and our charity, by purchasing any of our various offerings –
    • Pro-Touch T-shirt
    • Pro-Touch Massage Cream
    • Pro-Touch Tote Bag
    • Pro-Touch Piggy Box
    • Pro-Touch Massage Candles
    • Pro-Touch Window Sticker
    • Lizzie Ladybird printed visual aid for children’s’ story massage
  • There is also a Pro-Touch sponsor form to print and use in the free digital pack… so if you’ve been meaning to run (or walk!) a 10k trek, lose that weight, abstain from chocolate or booze, shave off that beard – then here’s a great incentive!
  • The self-assembly Piggy Box is so cute and popular – many have been placed on reception desks, point of sales and even local bars to raise much needed funds.
  • Again, come and join our facebook community to share ideas and success stories. It’s a fun, inspiring and welcoming place to be.

favorite_border Take the pledge

Take a pledge

Thank you for your support. Please confirm your choices and add your email address so we can send you your FREE resources.


Thank you!

Thank you for your support an email has been sent with a link to your FREE resources.